The National Association of Conservative Business Owners, Values…
The National Association of Conservative Business Owners, also known as NACBO (knack-bo) is a multi-faceted organization dedicated to providing information, resources, training & education, assistance and support to businesses owned, operated and run by Conservatives. There are some fundamental cornerstones to how we do what we do, and why we do it that way. This page serves to put that into the plainest, straightforward way possible.
What are some things I can expect with my NACBO Membership?
Some of the benefits you’ll enjoy as a NACBO Member will be…
COMING SOON – Our daily update, the NACBO Minute. A short, concise email with information on a local, regional and national basis that may have an impact on your business. Success stories of similar owners, like you, and what they have found helps them thrive. Updates on major legislative, policy and tax issues as they come about, and our expert opinion and research on the possible affects to your business.
COMING SOON – Access to exclusive programs and values from NACBO Affiliates and Corporate Sponsors. NACBO partners with leading companies on some of the finest products and services you need to grow and run your business and at a price you often times won’t see elsewhere. You work hard for your money, we like to help you save it any time we can.
COMING SOON – Round-tables and Accountability Groups. Often times starting, running and growing a business can leave you feeling like you’re on a deserted island. Things that become everyday occurrences or second nature are often very foreign to your family and friends. NACBO Round-tables are the perfect place to discuss, learn and overcome these challenges or simply find the support you need to take your company to the next level. The opportunity to leverage the skills, opinions and expertise of a group of like-minded entrepreneurs will not only allow you to succeed faster, but you’ll meet fantastic new friends and associates. Accountability Groups are small, locally organized groups of business owners that are seeking to overcome similar challenges or take their businesses to the next level. Goals are set, shared among the group and commitments made to attain those goals. Having the support of your group along with the accountability they can hold you to will allow you to take your business to the next level sooner than you ever could by yourself.
COMING SOON – Education and Training. NACBO creates several opportunities to advance your skill set, knowledge and overall performance. From On-Demand Online Courses to White Papers to the NACBO Speakers Series, you’ll find numerous opportunities to grow not only your business but your personal development.
Is NACBO a non-profit organization?
No. We chose to maintain a for profit status rather than be subject to the rules or scrutiny that often limit a non-profit.
As a member, do I have input on the viewpoints that NACBO holds on regulatory, government, taxation and policy?
YES! As a member of NACBO there are several ways to shape, or have input on the items that affect you and your business the most. Each member will be invited to participate in a Biannual Vote. This is where you will have a voice in the direction, positions and future of NACBO. Items included in the Biannual Vote will be very similar to what a political leader will address in his or her platform. These will become the culture of NACBO and an integral part of where NACBO directs it’s policy opinions, input and lobbying efforts.
You mention regulatory, government, taxation and policy. Does NACBO take a position on Social Issues too?
Not typically. NACBO is of the viewpoint that we are most effective as an organization when we stick to the items that affect the operation and success of our efforts and your business. Fiscal issues are usually pretty clear cut and void of much emotion… it’s a numbers thing. Social issues tend to be emotionally charged and not easily quantifiable. As a result, it is our opinion that delving into a position on things like abortion, gay marriage or gender issues are a surefire way to lose focus on what matters most to creating a successful business.
What are the Leadership Memberships and how do I become one?
Leadership memberships within NACBO are for individuals who aspire to be more active, have more input nationally, in their local areas and build their businesses as well as the reach and benefit of NACBO in their communities. There are really no hard set rules or qualifications to become an Area Leader, State Leader or even a Regional Leader. The process is simple… if you have interest, we would love to speak with you. It’s a conversational approval. You like us and get excited about what we are doing, and we, in turn like you. The pricing is substantially higher than a general member, but trust us… the opportunities and benefits are even more substantial. Up for the challenge? Click on the “more information” button under a leadership member category that interests you and submit a little information.
How are the NACBO Leadership and Regions determined?
NACBO Leadership consists of three roles…
– Regional Leader – The US is divided up into six groups of states that have similar populations yet maintain proximity to each other in a “regional” group. The six regions each have one Regional Leader. This is the most senior leadership position within NACBO.
– State Leader – The State Leader is pretty self explanatory with one Leader per state and Washington DC for a total of 51 Leaders. The State Leader is the middle seniority leadership position, with a focus on “state level” issues and actions.
– Area Leader – The Area Leader, while the most junior of the leadership roles is a highly active role with varied responsibilities and exceptional opportunities for personal and professional success. There are 350 Area Leaders throughout the country and locations are determined by population density with roughly one Area Leader per million in population.
See the map below for more information…